Marlene Saayman


Phone 028 313 1050



Marlene is a family law and mediation expert. She is highly adept at bringing the personal touch to sensitive situations and working to make sure the legal process in divorces and custody disputes takes place in a way that is most affordable, with as little conflict as possible.

While she is passionate about family law, Marlene has a broad grounding in personal injury litigation. A graduate of Stellenbosch University, she completed her LLB and articles in 2002 (at Mostert and Bosman Attorneys in the Cape’s Northern Suburbs). From there she joined a merger firm when Mostert and Bosman sold their third party division. She was a junior attorney specialising in third party injuries at DSC Attorneys until 2009 when she moved to Hermanus and joined Renate as a partner.

Marlene received her FAMAC (Family Mediators’ Association of the Cape) mediation qualification in 2015 and parent coordinator qualification in 2019. She is highly passionate about family law and making sure the individuals and particularly the children come through the process with the minimum of conflict stress.


  • Litigation
  • 3 Party Injuries and Negligence
  • Mediation
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